It’s Monday again. It’s supposed to come around every long week but sneaks up on you every seven days. It has nothing going for it. The beginning of the workweek for insane lottery ticket buyers who won’t quit their jobs if they win that half billion dollar jackpot. And for the semi-sane lottery ticket buyers who see a win as an end to the Mondayne.
It’s the day after a wisp of a weekend crammed with shopping, and chores, and games, and catching up, and if you’re lucky, a nap. If you couldn’t fit in a nap, there’s always Monday, the tranquilizer of days. Even my dog snores louder on Mondays.
The first day of the week should have a good self-image. It’s a beginning, fresh start, a new day. But no, “Rainy Days and Mondays” always get someone down. And for someone else, “Monday, Monday, can’t trust that day.” Adding that “every other day of the week is fine.”
That’s why people want a four day workweek. It’s not that they want to work less. Americans are always rooting for the underdog. Monday has been Mondayne long enough. It’s time for Tuesday to step up to the plate. I don’t think anyone has a problem with Tuesday. It can take the hits for a while.